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všetky články >Catalog Specialist I - Portuguese
Amazon Europe, BratislavaPonuka práce
Dátum pridania: 23.4.2024Práca
Are you looking to enter or re-enter the workforce with an established and globally-renowned e-business? Does joining a multicultural team sound appealing to you? And do you have a passion for learning and developing yourself and others? Then we are looking for you!The Global Catalog Operations team is looking for new members to participate in auditing and correcting our product catalog. You will have the opportunity to impact and improve the customer experience and make it easy to shop on our sites globally.
Base pay for this position starts from EUR 1250 gross per month and salary depends on the skills and requirements. Company benefits apply subject to further terms, including annual membership in medical clinic, life insurance, retirement pension, meal voucher card.
Key job responsibilities
* Review, auditing and classification of the Amazon catalog for content quality, based on predefined guidelines.
* Thoroughly checking product images and information to ensure accuracy and completeness of the data.
* Browsing internal and external sources to improve product data.
* Providing feedback to streamline existing processes to help the team achieve more consistent results.
* Working with project teams to write and test new operating procedures for new audit and data quality management tasks.
* Flexibility to meet business requirements & work in multiple languages and programs where required.
* Willingness and ability to work with sensitive issues, including but not limited to:
* Adult content, Religious and philosophically sensitive issues, Alcohol, tobacco, weapons and other potentially offensive products.
What we offer:
* An opportunity to use and develop your data management and language skills on a diverse and international team
* 2 days home office per week and flexible working times
* A centrally located, modern office with high quality facilities and refreshments including free fruit twice per week
* Full benefits system including meal vouchers and multiple discounts
* Opportunities for further education funding after your first year
Kick start your career with one of the most innovative and customer-centric e-commerce businesses on earth!
We are open to hiring candidates to work out of one of the following locations:
Bratislava, SVK
Druh pracovného pomeru
plný úväzokMiesto práce
Média a žurnalistikaPovolania
Administratívny pracovník, Marketingový pracovník
Najčítanejšie články
Vedci skúmali nároky povolaní. Zistili desať najťažších pracovných profesií.
15 základných spôsobov, ako si vážiť sám seba a pestovať sebaúctu
Cesta k úspechu: Kľúčové zásady pre dosiahnutie vašich cieľov
Aké psychologické triky fungujú na väčšinu ľudí?
7 znakov, že ste človek s vysokou hodnotou
Zoznam povolaní
- Marketing executive
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- Riadiaci pracovníci v priemyselnej výrobe
- Ortopéd
- Riadiaci pracovníci v oblasti výskumu a vývoja
- Riadiaci pracovníci v doprave a logistike
- Záhradný architekt
- Elektrotechnik
- Online marketér
- Realitný maklér